Hi Puppies, Magnum here to say a big Thank Woo! Let me start from the beginning. The other day I went out to sniff and mark the yard as usual when I found this package that certainly is not usually there.

What does this return address say? It is from the
Army of Four! How exciting!
Mama helped me open it because I am not allowed to use knives. The first thing I found was cardboard, my favorite! I began chewing on it immediately. Mama wrestled it out of my mouth and told me it is a card. What good is a card(board) if I cannot eat it?

Mama distracted me by pulling out this bag that said “Sniffies for Magnum” and had four tufts of fur each labeled with names from the Ao4. Cool!

Mmmm! This one smelled like such a sweet, lovable, red-headed girl I could just eat it! So I did. Mama wrestled that out of my mouth as well.

This is fun. What else is in here?

Whoa, a big bag of collars and leashes! I can use these on my foster dogs.

Maximus likes the purple ones.
This red one looks just like mine (with the tags) but a lot of them are
limited slip collars, which are great for the troublesome Siberians who try to back out of the lead.
Thank Woo so much Ao4!